
How To Put Custom Animation Into Gmod

Proportion Trick discovered past CaptainBigButt.

Purpose (i.e. why a modder would use this trick)

Use an existing prepare of animations built for a unlike-shaped skeleton (such as for a smaller or taller human than what will exist using the animations) without having to change the existing animations. The trick forces the animations to accommodate to the custom model's skeleton rather than the other way around. For case, by using the trick, a modder can replace L4D2 Zoey survivor model with a custom woman model that has longer legs and is shorter from caput to trunk than Zoey and still uses Zoey's existing animations without having to alter whatsoever of Zoey's animations.

Information that the tutorial is based on

  • QC files (Forum topic by CaptainBigButt with explanations and link to example files that use the Proportion Play a trick on.)

Other tutorials on the subject area:

  1. How to use the Size Proportion Flim-flam (Past MSF.)
  2. Applying the Size Proportion Trick - L4D2 (YouTube video past MSF.)
  3. I'm trying to make a small playermodel, merely its trunk is stretched-out to fit the human-body-form. (Forum topic where in that location are a few posts by Lukis that are full tutorial posts.)
  4. Catechumen GMod ragdoll to player model & NPC + proportion trick (Video by Proper name.)
  5. Quick proportion Idle Pose Method (Video by Splinks.)
  6. Custom Playermodels (Proportiontrick & Face Flex) (Guide by Funreal.)
  7. Adjusting Proportions on Playermodels (Guide by CaptainBigButt.)
  8. Proportion trick script for GMod player model (Blender ii.79) (Video)
  9. Proportion trick script for GMod thespian model (Blender 2.8/two.9) (Video)

This tutorial written past ZeqMacaw:

  1. Import the skeleton of the model beingness replaced. The model or mesh being replaced is the "reference".
  2. Import the custom mesh.
  3. Arrange the skeleton to fit the custom mesh. Notation that sometimes some bones need rotating about the axis forth the length of the os because different games expect different orientation of the axes.
  4. Rig/weight the custom mesh to the skeleton.
  5. Pose the weighted mesh + skeleton to friction match the pose of the replaced model'due south idle/reference sequence. For example, if the replaced model'southward idle/reference sequence is the "T-pose", then pose the weighted mesh + skeleton into the "T-pose".
  6. Export the weighted mesh + skeleton to "rigged_mesh.smd" file. This file name will be used in two places in the QC file.
  7. Modify the file name of the reference mesh used in $model or $body or $bodygroup line in the QC. Example of a $model line:
    $model "rigged_mesh.smd"
  8. Add these ii lines in the QC after all $blitheness, $sequence, and $includemodel lines. The of import thing is to have the $sequence exist the final sequence, so it does non interfere with existing animations, especially in multiplayer. The "a_proportions" is simply the name of the $animation that is and so used in the $sequence. The "rigged_mesh.smd" is the file name from before steps, which contains the custom weighted mesh. The "reference" is the name of the idle/reference $sequence proper noun, unremarkably the get-go $sequence in the QC; it should be from the $sequence to which you lot matched the custom mesh in the earlier steps. The "proportions" is the name of the special $sequence that (in my ain words) "tells the game to employ the proportion play a trick on"; it can be any proper noun you want equally long equally information technology is non the same proper name equally whatsoever other $sequence in the model.
    $blitheness "a_proportions" "rigged_mesh.smd" subtract "reference" 0 $sequence "proportions" "a_proportions" predelta autoplay            
  9. Notation: If the custom mesh is significantly different, $attachment lines in the QC file might need changing to avoid fastened models from clipping.
  10. [This is helpful step for survivor models and mutual infected models in L4D2.] Add this line Later any $sequence lines and Before $sequence "proportions" and $includemodel lines in the QC file (where "modelname_$DeclareSequence.qci" has a $DeclareSequence sequence_name line for every sequence):
    $include "modelname_$DeclareSequence.qci"            
    QCI file downloads:
    • L4D2 Survivor $DeclareSequence QCI files
    • L4D2 Common Infected $DeclareSequence QCI files
  11. [This is helpful step for survivor models and common infected models in L4D2.] Delete or annotate-out the lines in the QCI file that refer to the same names equally the $sequence blocks in the QC file. Case: QC file has these two $sequence blocks:
    $sequence "TeenAngst" "survivor_teenangst_anims\TeenAngst.smd" { 	fps 30 }  $sequence "ragdoll" "survivor_teenangst_anims\ragdoll.smd" { 	fps 30 	"ACT_DIERAGDOLL" 1 }            
    The "Zoey_$DeclareSequence.qci" has these ii lines at the acme that need deleting:
    $declaresequence TeenAngst $declaresequence ragdoll            

How to Workaround Some Problems with Decompiled Models that Use Proportion Trick

Possible trouble areas

Hands might need more adjustments.

Examples of mods that use the trick

  • Tda Hatsune Miku Append (v2) (ZOEY)
  • Tda Akita Neru Suspend (v2) (FRANCIS)
  • Tda Kasane Teto Append (v2) (LOUIS)
  • Tda Yowane Haku Append (v2) (BILL)
  • Tda Hatsune Miku Append (v2) (ROCHELLE)
  • Tda Akita Neru Append (v2) (Charabanc)
  • Tda Kasane Teto Append (v2) (ELLIS)
  • Tda Yowane Haku Suspend (v2) (NICK)
  • Octodad
  • Tank > Bill
  • Tank > Coach


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