
How To Save A Render Animation In Blender

I tin't remember how many times I have accidently saved a Blender render as .png just to realize that it isn't plenty for postal service-processing. Wasting hours re-rendering because I didn't save the result correctly.

You can render images and animations from the "Render" menu. When the rendering is done, go to "Image->Salve" in the image editor for still images. Animations are automatically saved in the default output folder. On windows this is "c:\temp".

That is the basics of saving our render issue, but there is more to the story, read on to larn how nosotros tin can get the virtually possible data moved from our final render to deejay. Enabling usa to post-procedure after or in another awarding.

How to save an paradigm return in Blender?

To salve the most possible data into your finished epitome return follow these steps:

  • Start you return from the carte du jour, Render -> Render epitome, or past pressing F12.
  • In one case the return has finnished, go to Image -> Relieve or press Alt+S in the paradigm editor that pops up.
  • Modify the file format to OpenEXR (Multilayer) in the superlative right corner.
  • Proper name your file.
  • Press Save as prototype.

Choosing the right file format when saving a render

And so, why can't I merely hit save, requite my image a proper noun and be done with it? Well, you could but you might lose valuable information hidden in your render.

To empathize the corporeality of data that is output past Blender when we render, nosotros need to investigate render passes. We will use the render engine Cycles for our example.

You tin can read a full guide on render passes in the article below. In this commodity we cover the nuts.

Related content: Render passes in Blender Cycles: Consummate guide

When nosotros return an prototype, we collect certain information that combined volition give united states the last colour of each pixel in the image. In cycles we can choice out these individual contributors and separate them. Each separation is called a pass. Here are some examples of render passes that nosotros may want to employ.

  • Lengthened Direct, indirect and colour
  • Glossy Direct, indirect and color
  • Shadow
  • Emission
  • Surround
  • Z-Depth
  • Mist
  • Cryptomatte
  • Denoise information

This is not a complete list, at that place are many more and you could find them if you lot got to the "view layer" properties in the Properties console and find the "Passes" department.

The point that needs to go across is that we can utilize all this actress data in our post-processing to enhance our renders. Simply like a lensman would utilise a RAW file format to access all the data captured when the photograph was taken, a 3D artist uses these captured passes of data for maximum flexibility after the return has completed.

Only divergence is that as 3D artists we accept even more control and data to piece of work with if we want.

Notwithstanding, if we save our images in the default output format, PNG. Nosotros lose a lot of this information.

To maintain as much of this data as possible, nosotros must select the passes that we want earlier we render. We also demand to relieve our output in a file format that support all these passes.

The most versatile format bachelor to us is OpenEXR. One could say that OpenEXR is the raw file format of render output in Blender. Just similar the photographer using a raw file format when shooting images.

There are ii variations of this format. The standard OpenEXR and "OpenEXR multilayer". Choosing multilayer will save each renderpass as a divide layer. Nosotros tin can then open this file in any 2D art software we want and in most software the layers volition be picked up by the software'due south internal layer system.

This works in Photoshop, Analogousness photo and GIMP among others.

We tin can use any tool in the second awarding of selection to dispense any of the layer and apply Blend modes to combine them in different ways to get different effects.

OpenExr has some other major benefit besides. It can store pixels brighter than white. This means that if some function of our paradigm is diddled out and only has white pixels, nosotros can adjust this and bring details dorsum.

There are also other file formats available to us that we can use with other benefits. PNG and JPEG are generally the file formats we use for web. Jpeg is ofttimes considered the terminal output format. For instance, a jpeg is what we would send for printing.

How the file browser works in Blender

Depending on the context, the file browser may look slightly different. It volition suit to whatsoever situation information technology is opened in. If we open this equally part of a save operation, we volition take access to save properties such as file formats and formats specific settings.

But if we append data from another blend file or consign a 3D object the settings available volition exist according to the context it is opened in.

The context specific settings are found in the properties panel, toggled with "north". We can also click the cogwheel in the top right corner to show these settings if they happened to be hidden.

On the left side we have some shortcuts for quick navigation around the filesystem. Volumes at the elevation followed by some organisation locations such every bit Documents and Desktop and peradventure other entries for Mac and Linux users.

Next there are favorites. To add together a favourite, brwose for the location in the master window and printing the "plus" icon to add information technology to favorites. We can then use the arrow buttons to rearrange the positioning.

At the bottom are the recently used folders.

In a higher place the chief window we accept some navigation buttons, create folder and the current path. Nosotros can aslo search for files and folders.

Then there are two drib down menus. One for filtering what filetypes are shown and one for sorting and displaying the contents.

At the bottom there is a box to make full the filename and on the correct side there are plus and minus buttons that will increase or subtract the last number in the filename. This is convenient if you are saving multiple versions of the same file. Just press the plus and save to increment the number.

Apart from OpenEXR, Jpeg and PNG nosotros have a few other file formats that we tin can use besides. The near of import things are that you know that the file format is supported for the intended use. If y'all don't know, save as OpenEXR multiplayer. And then you tin can always use that file to consign to another file format later.

What features are in that location to help us manage renders?

Let'southward step back from the file browser for a while and look at what useful features we have in the image editor when our render is done.

By default, the image editor, formerly UV/Image Editor pops-upward show united states the progression of our return.

Once information technology is washed, a few options are available. First, we tin verify data nearly our image. Correct click and agree on the image to get information about the pixel you are currently hovering over. We tin check that the color values are sensible equally well equally the Z-depth if nosotros programme to use this value in compositing.

If we detect that we have low-cal areas with colour values above 1.0. Then this means that in that location is potentially more than detail in that area that nosotros might want to expose in mail-processing.

We can also use the scopes. Press "n" to bring up the properties and find the "scopes" tab. Here we tin see what color ranges we accept in the prototype and get an idea if we are clamping values. The histogram shows how many pixels have a value close to 1.0(white) or close to 0.0(black) and any number in between.

In the superlative right corner, there is a pocket-size icon opening a dropdown if we click information technology. Here we tin can select what render pass to view.

Permit's at present turn our focus to slots. In the top correct corner, you can run across that we are currently in slot i. We tin can change this to whatever slot from 1 to 8. If we modify to slot two and render once again, we can accept two render results.

This characteristic simply enables us to accept multiple renders in retentivity without having to save each render to a file. They are instead kept in RAM.

We tin can add more slots and change the name of these slots if nosotros notice the image tab in the right-side properties panel.

Find the "Render slots" subsection. Click the plus to add together a slot and double click a slot to rename it. The "Ten" push will clear the electric current render slot.

In the "image" tab there is as well a "metadata" department where we can notice some basic information well-nigh our paradigm.

Last thoughts

In this article we covered some of the tools that we run into as we salvage render images. The file browser allow us to navigate the file system and save files in unlike file formats.

The prototype editor allows us to view our renders, compare them and meet what data nosotros save and export.

Saving in the correct file format is crucial to not lose data one time we close Blender.

Cheers for your time.


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